
Bridesmaid shoes? Check.

My cousin, the tall one, is getting married in June.

She's dubbed "the tall one," not because she's my tallest cousin (not by a long shot), but because she was the tallest roommate back in the days we lived together.

A few weekends ago, the crew (aka the bridal party...or the females at least) met in the city for a day o' wedding.

Thanks to, or maybe even in spite of, that weekend, bridesmaid dresses have been ordered.

More importantly, we selected shoes we thought would work.  And the tall one confirmed the choice just this week.

They are beauts, the shoes are.  Comfortable, cute, and elegant.

I can't wait to wear them for the tall one's wedding, and probably a few times before and after.

The purchase also gets me excited for the big day.

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