

I have to start this out with an apology. It's March 6 and I last posted on the first. That is terrible.


Life has kind of gotten away from me. My pile of clothes on the floor has grown. I am having to root around for clean socks. And I feel like I haven't had enough sleep in a week.

That's not a good way to live life.

The real bummer is that I most likely have to work on Saturday morning, thereby extending my work week to 13 straight days. The only good news being that I am making over time.

I am pretty sure that I killed my car today. I pulled into the driveway at work after eating sushi for lunch. The bottom of my car connected with the pavement and made an unnatural sound. If it doesn't start one of these days I won't be surprised. And I am never parking in the parking lot again. I am sticking to the road.

I finally got some Organization of People in Spandex gear. I now have a couple of shirts and, the most exciting part, a new part of Asics. I am pretty stoked.

I realized today that my car stereo, which I got for Christmas, has a CD player in it. That's right, for three months I was absolutely clueless that I could play CDs. Genius, right here.

By the way, I have re-retired from the sport of basketball. At least for the time being.

I am kind of like Michael Jordan, except for the fact that I was never very good. But I am hoping to play more volleyball now that I have some free time on my hands.

In case you can't tell, I am trying to make this post longer, actually catch you up on my life, because I have been slacking off so badly.

I am also out of practice, so this will not be the most enjoyable or entertaining entry you've ever seen me write.

But I'm not uncapable.

There's a story behind my use of that word, uncapable. I supposed for lack of something better to write about and so you won't think I'm an idiot I will explain.

My mother is a writer. A trying to get a book published, writes in her journals everyday, can paint a picture with words writer. (I was going to use dashes for that description, but decided to throw in the towel)

Anyways, the fact that she is an awesome writer has always made me think of myself as only so-so. I can write an okay paper, but nothing amazing.

One day I was in the car with her. I had realized that I really was an above average writer, especially when it came to papers in school, etc.

As I am explaining to her about my epiphany, I said,"it's not that I'm uncapable."

I hope you all caught the irony in that statement.

Since that day I like to use that word in descriptions of my abilities, because it makes me smile.

So, just so you know, just because I haven't been posting in the blog much recently doesn't mean I'm uncapable.

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