


I've been thinking about this blog for approximately the past eight hours.

While you may assume this means the blog will be astonishing in its depth, you may very well find yourself disappointed today. Unless you are a certain type of person.

This afternoon I encountered perfection.

In the form of a milkshake. Oreo cookie, chocolate/vanilla ice cream, milk, and peanut butter.

It was a life changing experience.

But it also got me thinking, as I thought about my perfect milkshake, that perfection is really about the moment you're in and the person you are.

My perfect day might not seem so perfect to you. A warm, sunny day might be nice, but a snow day is pretty freaking awesome too.

So really perfection is about you attitude, to a certain degree. It's about how you're feeling in that moment.

Not to say that anything can be perfect all the time.

Except milkshakes, those are pretty hard to beat.

Unless you're lactose intolerant. Then you may want to stay away from this blog entry. Perhaps I should have put a disclaimer. I apologize if I caused problems for you.

So...if ice cream is your thing, this blog probably did it for you. If not, sorry, but not really.

Oh, and happy St. Patrick's Day to you. Especially if you like the color green or beer. It was probably a good day for you.

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