
To Summarize

In the past few days, weeks, however long it's been, I've collected a number of thoughts, stories and random stuff for this space.

And it's creating havoc in my head.

Like today, I murdered hundreds of ladybugs. I really didn't have a choice about it. I swear.

I am doing well with the whole not spending thing. Granted it's only April 5th, but besides a few groceries so I can pack a lunch, I haven't spent money since last Saturday.

Congrats to me, I know.

I've also discovered an excellent form of torture. Having to watch everyone else go through a buffet line as you sit with your stomach grumbling and rumbling.

Another great moment in life was when a student in a class last week took a picture of the PowerPoint instead of taking notes. How far we've fallen.

Now, in a few short paragraphs I've pretty much used all my good material from the past few days.

As you can see, you didn't miss out on much.

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