
Awkward and Awesome: Friday Edition

This week has been a little bit crazy.  Or a lot.  Which explains why I haven't posted in days (again).  I don't know what is going to happen to this blog next fall when I'm going to school and working.

The funny thing about my non-posting, I actually have a number of ideas started.  I just can't seem to muster up the energy to follow through.

Since I'm so behind, I've decided to throw up (not literally from my stomach) my awkwards and awesomes for the week.

(Spell check does not like the use of awkward and awesome as nouns.  Weird.)

Awkward and Awesome was started by Sydney over at the Daybook, though I haven't seen her post one in a while.  But I think it's a nice way to round out the week.

On to the main event....

- Not getting enough sleep.  I don't think any explanation is necessary for this one.
- Mosquito bites.  I obviously omit some sort of mosquito attraction signal.  After sitting in a friend's backyard for an hour, I ended up with at least 15 bug bites.  They all rub against my jeans as I walk.  It's lovely.
- Trying to catch up on blog reading.  After so many posts, I find myself skimming through only glancing at the pictures.  If a post doesn't have pictures, well, I'm probably not getting much out of it.  Sorry!
- Transcribing videos word-for-word ahead of time for classes.  The process is just so painstaking.
- My job means literally staring at a computer screen, which means I've spent almost 34 hours this week alone staring at a computer.  That doesn't count the free time I spend messing around.  My poor eyes.

- My trip to Portland and all the awesome pictures I found.
- The first Tuesday of every May is Dine Out for a local charity.  The 'rents and I got to have some delicious southern-style cooking.  Never has eating out felt so good.
- A friend's wedding this weekend!!!  Taco truck for food, lots of beer, and time with friends, a recipe for success.
- A normal, 5-day period.  After last month's 2-weeker, it's something to celebrate.
- The following text message conversation with my father (about Bin Laden and yes, sometimes my dad is ridiculous.  I love it!):

Me: Did you here (sic--I'm so disgusted with myself) bin laden is dead?
Dad: I got him myself.
Me: Congrats!
Dad: I'm going on David Letterman to talk about the sting operation.
Me: As you should.  That explains all the long hours at work i guess.
Dad: On behalf of Americans everywhere.  With liberty and justice for all!!!
Dad: The Criminal Minds people would have gotten him faster, though.

He makes me laugh so much!


  1. Your friend has a food truck for their wedding? That's just as if not more awesome than a beer truck that often makes appearances at ones back home...

  2. your dad sounds too funny :)

  3. I like your dad's sense of humor! Too funny.

    ANNNNNNND I love the idea of a taco truck to cater a wedding. BRILL.IANT.

  4. Not getting enough sleep...I can so relate!
