
I'm Here

First of all, I want to announce (picture me with a loud speaker in this section) that I made it safely across the state, and there was actually more snow in the Palouse than there was on the pass. Weird. But good news because the line at Les Schwab this morning was about 20 deep, and I was not waiting just for chains. I'll take my chances, thank you anyways.

Until I got home I had forgotten how much fun puppies are, or dogs. My parents have two. Jackson, an 110 lb. white german shepard/yellow lab mix, and Jamaica, an eight month old springer spaniel.

Upon my arrival home, with my sister, I was greeted by muddy paws and wet tongues. Needless to say I have laundry to do already. (an that came out way more inappropriately than it was meant to, sorry)

But back to the puppy, or Maica as we call her. She is a strange dog, and very out of control. She walks along the back of couches, always prefers to sleep in laps, and watches tv.

Mostly, though, she is just out of control. I call her the whirlwind tornado and that description is mostly accurate.

I could continue on talking about the puppy, but I realize that you probably don't really care. In fact, if you have made it this far through the blog, I applaud you.

Don't even get me started about Jackson!

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