
A look at May in tweets

I've decided to start a new little monthly feature around here. A look back at my month in tweets. Not only because I want to blog more and try new things doing it, but also because I might just tweet a little more too.

(Both blogging and tweeting have fallen off some since I started working full time.)

Here's a look back through may in under 140 characters.

So there you go. I was going to include random FB posts and Instagram photos, but since you can't embed those, it all seemed like too much work. And I really, really am ready for bed.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter to get (a few) more random updates about my life. And have a very happy weekend!


  1. haha, i think i don't spend enough time on twitter!

  2. You are your father's daughter (submitted with and without context).

  3. Can't believe I've been missing all your tweets - following you on Twitter now as @roothers

  4. Oh my gosh this is awesome! I love your breakfast choices, LOL.

    Sarah @ Life As Always
