
From an airport, as usual.

It seems as though airports are the only place I've really blogged recently.

That's good and bad.  Good in the sense that I'm traveling fairly frequently obviously.  Bad because I've turned lazy.  And I'm dependent on the free wi-fi gods.

I'm headed home from Indy.  And by home, I mean I'll be back in my home state.  I won't see my bed until Sunday night.

I had actually planned to stay in Indy longer, but circumstances (namely my grandmother's memorial service) changed my mind.  And suddenly I find my weekend schedule as packed as if I had stayed longer with Sam.

(I am totally mourning not going to the Oregon/Tennessee game this week, by the way.  College football is one of my favorite seasons.  That and pumpkin spice latte season, not that I've had one yet.  Since it's been hot in Indy.)

This weekend my plans include driving across the state, going to a rodeo, the memorial service, an airport shuttle run, my good friend Amber's wedding dinner (!!!), and who knows what else.

Oh, and I'm singing at the memorial.  That should go swimmingly.  At least I've had lots of hours logged in the car singing since coming to Indy.  Driving to Tennessee and back will do that.

For now I'm waiting in the Las Vegas airport for the last plane leg.  And I have a killer headache.  One of those need-a-dark-room, shaky-hands, just-want-to-curl-up-and-die-type headaches.

Which is why I spent over $8 for a small bottle of execedrin migraine.  I drew the line at $4 dollar water bottles.  That's just ridiculous.

I'm sad to be leaving Indy, although I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed.  The number of beds I've slept in in the past 2 1/2 weeks numbers somewhere around 5.

And I promise to give a recap from the weekend in Tennessee.  I meant to do that sooner, but I've been busy with my housewifely duties.  (More on that later, too.  Maybe)

For now I'm going to finish my not-quite-natural airport smoothie and dream of my memory foam mattress topper.

And college football.  Always college football.

Editor's note: This wasn't edited.  I didn't even read over it.  My brain can't handle with and you'll just have to deal.


  1. Killer headaches are NO fun at all. I'm sorry you're not feeling well- I would have done the same thing and spent $8 for that even though it's insanely expensive!

  2. Traveling is so much fun, but so exhausting at the same time! I love that moment when I return from vacation and my head hits my own pillow in my own bed :-)

    Happy and safe travels to you!

  3. Oh gosh, I'll fork over anything to get rid of a headache. Usually looking at a computer screen makes it worse for me.
