

There's nothing like a trip to dentist to increase feelings of guilt and a sense of impending doom.

Today was no different.

Earlier this week I realized that I had forgotten to schedule appointments for while I was home. Luckily they were able to squeeze me in at the dentist and the eye doctor.

So I set off this afternoon for one of my favorite places...the dentist chair.

It was just a cleaning, but, as usual, was accompanied by a conversation about flossing, toothbrushes, gingivitis, the pockets around me teeth, and other important dental hygiene topics.

I left without having to make another appointment for cavities (Yay!) but also vaguely confused as to why there are still even teeth in my head. Based on everything I've done wrong, they probably shouldn't be there.

It's not too late though.

The highlight of trip: the receptionist asking me, "You are 18 now, aren't you?"

Just by a day or two.

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