Happy Thursday, which is almost over or is over for most of you, which makes it Friday. So that's good news.
I still have two more work days left, but since one of them involves NFL playoffs, I'm pretty okay with that.
I thought I'd stop in and share some of my recent awkward and awesome moments. Enjoy!
- My ability to forget someone's name seconds after they tell me.
- Putting away Christmas stuff. I barely decorated -- in fact I got have more decor from post-Christmas sales than up around the house. Cleaning up should be easy, but I haven't done a thing.
- My ability to waste half of an evening and have nothing to show for it.
- This weather most of the country is dealing with. I'm feeling incredibly thankful for our 40 degrees F. Sorry to anyone suffering! Ugh.
- Trying to play Heads Up with my sister via Skype. We got addicted to the iPhone app game over Christmas break, but it was pretty hard to pull off video messaging. At least it made us laugh.
- My condo complex is pretty quiet but every once in a while it sounds my upstairs neighbors starts stomping around. It's weird.
- I've been reading books! This sounds silly, but there was a period this past year that I hardly read anything. And it's been so nice to read some good stuff. (Maybe if I get it together, I'll even share a few.)
- Gift cards. I had one left over from my birthday this summer, so I got to pick something up today for only $15 (out of my pocket). After the Christmas season and feeling like I shouldn't be spending money it was a really nice treat.
- Making a big credit card payment. I'm a pretty good saver generally, but moving/fixing up a new place/Christmas added up to a higher balance than I'm comfortable with. But I paid a good chunk off and should have it paid off in the next month or so.
- New challenges and focus for the new year. I don't have a long list of New Year's Resolutions, but there are things afoot that will help me grow in the coming months.
- Sister time! My sister was just here at Christmas but she found a cheap ticket to come back over her birthday weekend. I'm so excited for some good hangout time.
- NFL playoffs...I'll be at the game again this Saturday, but this time in the press box.
- Finally joining a gym. I went for my first run yesterday in months and months and almost made it three miles. I was pretty stoked.
- Pie. I've been firmly on the cake team, but then I took a pie class in November and am having fun trying out different recipes. So far I've made banana cream and blueberry. What are you favorites?