The past few days have been a peaceful escape from reality.
I arrived at my parents' house last Friday night and haven't spent more than an hour on my computer. It's been wonderful.
There hasn't been anything too exciting going on. Hanging out with puppies. Eating delicious food. Watching basketball. Basically, I'm living the good life.
Christmas was a quiet day with just my immediate family. We purposefully had a smaller Christmas and it was nice to take the focus off things.
My parents did get us one big gift. I'm typing on my new Kindle Fire right now. I won't be trading in my laptop keyboard anytime soon but I am excited to have something smaller to travel with and a functional kindle (my old one froze a while ago and I haven't dealt with it yet).
I've also had the chance to catch up with some really good friends, who I haven't seen for months even though I come back home regularly. All in all I've made the most of my Christmas break.
I plan to be back to more regular posting shortly but first I'm going to soak up as much of my vacation as possible.
How has your Christmas been? Have you had much of a break from life?
Soup and Biscuits and Cookies, Oh My!
If you're reading this, then the world hasn't ended. I wasn't really worried about it. It was funny to see more than a few people get worked up. It reminded me of another time. Who remembers this craziness?
Anyways, remember when I said I had been craving some good baking? Well, problem solved last week.
After plans for a cookie making party fell through over the weekend, I took matters into my own hands. I had a bag of flour and I wasn't afraid to use it.
Plus, I had finished up my course work, so I was ready to get crazy, with my oven. What can I say? I'm a wild child.
I thought I'd feature my cooking line-up visually, with links to recipes to try out for yourselves.
Pioneer Woman's Cauliflower Soup and Chipotle Cheddar Biscuits from Baked (with my addition of bacon):
Bobby Flay's Bourbon-infused Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Whipped Cream:
This is maybe the best dessert ever. Though I may have added a little too much bourbon on the last batch. It had some kick. (Also, pretty time intensive to make. I often skip a few of the add ons.)
Peanut Butter Cookies:
Everything was a success. And I justified my over-consumption of the peanut butter cookies and batter with the fact that they contained peanut butter. Protein=good. Right?
Have you made anything good lately? Want to share a recipe?
Anyways, remember when I said I had been craving some good baking? Well, problem solved last week.
After plans for a cookie making party fell through over the weekend, I took matters into my own hands. I had a bag of flour and I wasn't afraid to use it.
Plus, I had finished up my course work, so I was ready to get crazy, with my oven. What can I say? I'm a wild child.
I thought I'd feature my cooking line-up visually, with links to recipes to try out for yourselves.
Pioneer Woman's Cauliflower Soup and Chipotle Cheddar Biscuits from Baked (with my addition of bacon):
Bobby Flay's Bourbon-infused Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Whipped Cream:
This is maybe the best dessert ever. Though I may have added a little too much bourbon on the last batch. It had some kick. (Also, pretty time intensive to make. I often skip a few of the add ons.)
Peanut Butter Cookies:
Everything was a success. And I justified my over-consumption of the peanut butter cookies and batter with the fact that they contained peanut butter. Protein=good. Right?
Have you made anything good lately? Want to share a recipe?
Awkward and Awesome: Reporting from my sweats
I've been looking at the blinking cursor for a while. I did this earlier in the week too.
I think I subconsciously turned off my brain last week when my last assignment was submitted.
It explains the lack of motivation, the trouble writing, the late nights. All of it. It couldn't be laziness. Right?
In reality, I've actually been blogging a lot. Just not here. My co-editor over at Flip the Media is visiting home (Australia), so I'm holding down the fort for most of the month, with some support from a few other students.
Anyways, I thought I'd muster up a post of awkwards and awesomes for you, so you can see how quickly I've reverted to not doing much of anything.
- I really need to go to the Apple store. Apps on my iPhone crash pretty much every time I try to use the camera. And it's not a software problem because I'm up to date. I really hope they can fix it. Also, my computer has a few issues as well. Luckily it's still under warranty so I'm not as stressed.
- I have an addiction to buying nail polish. I don't spend a ton on it. But I just see the pretty colors and can't help myself. My current fave: Julep. It looks pricey on the site, I know, but I'm a Maven and never pay full price. I'm taking a break from the subscription until I am employed again, but I love it.
- Christmas is four days away. How did that happen? Seriously.
- I'm supposed to be moving some things back to my parents tomorrow. I've done pretty much nothing to prepare (Mom and Dad--I actually mean to say I'm pretty much done. No worries!)
- I think I'm about Internet-ed out. It might be time for a break. Nothing specific, but I'm ready to unplug. Although, I think I'll wait until after the first of the year, when I'm done with editing responsibilities.
- The tree at my parents', unless something changed in the past day or two, is completely bare. Also, the puppy (the 90lb, 9 month old) loves to drink the water out of the base and chew on the branches. Basically, they bought him a really big toy. Haha.
- My lack of blog commenting. I promise I'm reading guys, I just do it from an app on my phone that doesn't allow for commenting. I'm going to try and make the rounds this weekend to show you all some love. Cuz I really do love you!
- Leaving my parents' house with leftovers, including homemade cinnamon rolls. Dad makes the best ones!
- A friend asked for a restaurant recommendation and then loved the place I suggested. The best! I always worry a bit when recommending a place, so I love when it's a win.
- My dad, bro, and I are headed to a basketball game. It's been too long since I've gone to one in person, and we snagged a good deal on them on 12/12/12. I'm stoked!
- The Hobbit! Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Parts were slow and they definitely took liberties, but I enjoyed it. I'm the type of movie goer who just wants to be entertained. Also, I make sure to not read books close to watching the movie, or I wait to read the book after I watch. Because it's always more enjoyable that way.
- Happy hour with a friend. Cheap appetizers, delicious drinks, and some of the best desserts ever. Plus she treated me as a graduation celebration. Pretty wonderful!
So what's been awkward or awesome about your past week?
I think I subconsciously turned off my brain last week when my last assignment was submitted.
It explains the lack of motivation, the trouble writing, the late nights. All of it. It couldn't be laziness. Right?
In reality, I've actually been blogging a lot. Just not here. My co-editor over at Flip the Media is visiting home (Australia), so I'm holding down the fort for most of the month, with some support from a few other students.
Anyways, I thought I'd muster up a post of awkwards and awesomes for you, so you can see how quickly I've reverted to not doing much of anything.
- I really need to go to the Apple store. Apps on my iPhone crash pretty much every time I try to use the camera. And it's not a software problem because I'm up to date. I really hope they can fix it. Also, my computer has a few issues as well. Luckily it's still under warranty so I'm not as stressed.
- I have an addiction to buying nail polish. I don't spend a ton on it. But I just see the pretty colors and can't help myself. My current fave: Julep. It looks pricey on the site, I know, but I'm a Maven and never pay full price. I'm taking a break from the subscription until I am employed again, but I love it.
- Christmas is four days away. How did that happen? Seriously.
- I'm supposed to be moving some things back to my parents tomorrow. I've done pretty much nothing to prepare (Mom and Dad--I actually mean to say I'm pretty much done. No worries!)
- I think I'm about Internet-ed out. It might be time for a break. Nothing specific, but I'm ready to unplug. Although, I think I'll wait until after the first of the year, when I'm done with editing responsibilities.
- The tree at my parents', unless something changed in the past day or two, is completely bare. Also, the puppy (the 90lb, 9 month old) loves to drink the water out of the base and chew on the branches. Basically, they bought him a really big toy. Haha.
- My lack of blog commenting. I promise I'm reading guys, I just do it from an app on my phone that doesn't allow for commenting. I'm going to try and make the rounds this weekend to show you all some love. Cuz I really do love you!
- Leaving my parents' house with leftovers, including homemade cinnamon rolls. Dad makes the best ones!
- A friend asked for a restaurant recommendation and then loved the place I suggested. The best! I always worry a bit when recommending a place, so I love when it's a win.
- My dad, bro, and I are headed to a basketball game. It's been too long since I've gone to one in person, and we snagged a good deal on them on 12/12/12. I'm stoked!
- The Hobbit! Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. Parts were slow and they definitely took liberties, but I enjoyed it. I'm the type of movie goer who just wants to be entertained. Also, I make sure to not read books close to watching the movie, or I wait to read the book after I watch. Because it's always more enjoyable that way.
- Happy hour with a friend. Cheap appetizers, delicious drinks, and some of the best desserts ever. Plus she treated me as a graduation celebration. Pretty wonderful!
So what's been awkward or awesome about your past week?
Guest Post: Traditions & Holiday Love
Hey everyone! I'm still trying to get my life in order since the stress of finals week. In the meantime, I have a post for you from a blogger I've gotten to know the past year or so. Danielle is wonderful. She's honest, upbeat, and mostly makes me want to visit her little corner of the world. Keep reading to find out some of her holiday traditions (and make sure to visit her blog!).
What are some of your favourite holiday traditions?
Awkward and Awesome: Third Time is Not the Charm
(Also known as the one where I seem to lose my marbles. Don't believe me? Keep reading.)
(Also, also known as the one with all the parentheses.)
This is attempt number three at trying to write this post. I'm up at my parents' for the weekend (hello, free food and family trip to see the Hobbit). I was trying to type up my awkward and awesomes from my phone earlier.
One time I forgot the save a new draft when I went back in, losing countless tens of minutes of work (okay, maybe ten). The second, when I went to save it just disappeared, leaving you all to sit through this long explanation that you've now wasted a few precious seconds reading.
Now it's actually Friday, not the usual Thursday.
Basically, we all lose. You're welcome.
One to brighter news. I'm a B.A. M.C.!!!
And, no, that doesn't mean I'll be holding a mic onstage, keeping others entertained anytime soon.
I'm done with school. (Captain obvious alert!!)
(I just spent untold minutes trying to remember the phrase "captain obvious alert." I actually ended up resorting to Google.)
Let's move on to the main event. The best and not-so-best moments of the week. Not all of them involving me.
(Is that cheating? I don't care.)
*ahem* Anyways...
- I was scolded by the mail woman for not picking up the mail. She rang the doorbell and there I stood in basketball shorts and a sweatshirts. (Now that I'm graduated, I dress how I want. Also, I have fewer reasons to leave the house.)
- My sleep schedule recently. I blame no longer having a job start at 6 a.m. and finishing school. Example: one night this week I slept from 2:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- My parent's dog, Jamaica, has a cracked shoulder. I treated her with snuggles all day. And made her scrambled eggs with leftover chicken and rice because she hasn't been eating her regular food.
- My dad and sister went to get the tree last weekend and it's still naked. Other things have taken precedent, like a pipe bursting and flooding the basement.
- I asked for addresses for cards early this week and I still haven't even ordered the cards. Holiday season 1, Elizabeth 0.
- Finishing school. Duh.
- I was a baking fool this week, thereby (hopefully) curing myself of the need and having the chance to increase my cookie dough consumption. I'll post soon with pictures and recipe links, just in case you have the same craving.
- I'll be house sitting for one of my professors for January and part of February. This gives me a job hunt buffer period, gives me a shot a waiting to see what posts in the New Year, and allows me to perfect my resume instead of rushing to get it out.
- An amazing dinner Tuesday night wrapping up my last class. We did it potluck style and everyone contributed something delicious. The best.
- Have I mentioned I have a Master's degree?
So, what's been awkward or awesome about your week?
(Also, also known as the one with all the parentheses.)
This is attempt number three at trying to write this post. I'm up at my parents' for the weekend (hello, free food and family trip to see the Hobbit). I was trying to type up my awkward and awesomes from my phone earlier.
One time I forgot the save a new draft when I went back in, losing countless tens of minutes of work (okay, maybe ten). The second, when I went to save it just disappeared, leaving you all to sit through this long explanation that you've now wasted a few precious seconds reading.
Now it's actually Friday, not the usual Thursday.
Basically, we all lose. You're welcome.
One to brighter news. I'm a B.A. M.C.!!!
And, no, that doesn't mean I'll be holding a mic onstage, keeping others entertained anytime soon.
I'm done with school. (Captain obvious alert!!)
(I just spent untold minutes trying to remember the phrase "captain obvious alert." I actually ended up resorting to Google.)
Let's move on to the main event. The best and not-so-best moments of the week. Not all of them involving me.
(Is that cheating? I don't care.)
*ahem* Anyways...
- I was scolded by the mail woman for not picking up the mail. She rang the doorbell and there I stood in basketball shorts and a sweatshirts. (Now that I'm graduated, I dress how I want. Also, I have fewer reasons to leave the house.)
- My sleep schedule recently. I blame no longer having a job start at 6 a.m. and finishing school. Example: one night this week I slept from 2:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- My parent's dog, Jamaica, has a cracked shoulder. I treated her with snuggles all day. And made her scrambled eggs with leftover chicken and rice because she hasn't been eating her regular food.
- My dad and sister went to get the tree last weekend and it's still naked. Other things have taken precedent, like a pipe bursting and flooding the basement.
- I asked for addresses for cards early this week and I still haven't even ordered the cards. Holiday season 1, Elizabeth 0.
- Finishing school. Duh.
- I was a baking fool this week, thereby (hopefully) curing myself of the need and having the chance to increase my cookie dough consumption. I'll post soon with pictures and recipe links, just in case you have the same craving.
- I'll be house sitting for one of my professors for January and part of February. This gives me a job hunt buffer period, gives me a shot a waiting to see what posts in the New Year, and allows me to perfect my resume instead of rushing to get it out.
- An amazing dinner Tuesday night wrapping up my last class. We did it potluck style and everyone contributed something delicious. The best.
- Have I mentioned I have a Master's degree?
So, what's been awkward or awesome about your week?
Want a card? I think you do.
I'm planning on sending out Christmas letters out again. Want one? Fill out this nifty form:
(In case the form isn't working – the preview seemed wonky – go here to put your info in.)
(In case the form isn't working – the preview seemed wonky – go here to put your info in.)
Awkward and Awesome: Finishing
I've been feeling only marginally productive over the past couple days. Things are getting done, but not with as quickly as I'd like, the blame for which lies with me. Obviously.
Tomorrow I plan to go for a nice long walk and do some work at a coffee shop, away from the distraction of hooking my computer up to my TV and catching up on shows.
I also wanted to say thank you for all the well wishes finishing about school. It's been just the boost I needed to get through the last week or so of work (fingers crossed I'll be done with everything by next Tuesday evening).
I wanted to pop in to share some of my awkward and awesome moments from the past week. Because I'm always up for an excuse to "take a break."
- Getting sucked into Battlestar Galactica. I swear, Amazon Prime Instant Videos are the best/worst thing to happen to me. I've only seen a couple of these shows previously. Now I'm through the first two seasons. My watching has slowed down in the past couple weeks.
- School loans and not having a job lined up has me a little stressed.
- My roommate's cats have fleas. Not many and they've been treated, but I've banned them from my room (they love to hang out with me during the day) for a few days.
- Criminal Minds. I love that show but this week's episode was too much. For serious.
- This may sound silly, but the recycling at our apartment always fills up way before it's picked up. So today I took down all the recycling that had built up in our kitchen right after the truck came by.
- I've really, really been wanting to bake something, but haven't because I'm trying to eat fewer sweets and a batch of cookies would not support that plan. Because I would eat them all. The end.
- Feeling super supported by my program's community as I transition from student into (hopefully) the professional world.
- A delicious lunch at an Indian buffet today, to say goodbye to a classmate. The food was delicious and the company was great.
- Plans filling up my weekend: Friday night, most of the day Saturday, with Sunday open for laziness and football. Perfection.
- Having pretty much all my present purchased for Christmas. One more person to go and I'm set.
- My sister came down and hung out all last weekend. It was so good to have sister time again. I love that we can just sit side-by-side and read and totally enjoy ourselves. :)
- Fatmumslim's Photoaday for December. I love having prompts and being reminded to take photos every day. Plus I love meeting new folks on Instagram.
So, what's been awkward or awesome about your week?
Tomorrow I plan to go for a nice long walk and do some work at a coffee shop, away from the distraction of hooking my computer up to my TV and catching up on shows.
I also wanted to say thank you for all the well wishes finishing about school. It's been just the boost I needed to get through the last week or so of work (fingers crossed I'll be done with everything by next Tuesday evening).
I wanted to pop in to share some of my awkward and awesome moments from the past week. Because I'm always up for an excuse to "take a break."
- Getting sucked into Battlestar Galactica. I swear, Amazon Prime Instant Videos are the best/worst thing to happen to me. I've only seen a couple of these shows previously. Now I'm through the first two seasons. My watching has slowed down in the past couple weeks.
- School loans and not having a job lined up has me a little stressed.
- My roommate's cats have fleas. Not many and they've been treated, but I've banned them from my room (they love to hang out with me during the day) for a few days.
- Criminal Minds. I love that show but this week's episode was too much. For serious.
- This may sound silly, but the recycling at our apartment always fills up way before it's picked up. So today I took down all the recycling that had built up in our kitchen right after the truck came by.
- I've really, really been wanting to bake something, but haven't because I'm trying to eat fewer sweets and a batch of cookies would not support that plan. Because I would eat them all. The end.
- Feeling super supported by my program's community as I transition from student into (hopefully) the professional world.
- A delicious lunch at an Indian buffet today, to say goodbye to a classmate. The food was delicious and the company was great.
- Plans filling up my weekend: Friday night, most of the day Saturday, with Sunday open for laziness and football. Perfection.
- Having pretty much all my present purchased for Christmas. One more person to go and I'm set.
- My sister came down and hung out all last weekend. It was so good to have sister time again. I love that we can just sit side-by-side and read and totally enjoy ourselves. :)
- Fatmumslim's Photoaday for December. I love having prompts and being reminded to take photos every day. Plus I love meeting new folks on Instagram.
So, what's been awkward or awesome about your week?
More Important Things.
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A glimpse of school this quarter. Less books, more technology. |
I'm less than two weeks away from finishing up my Master's degree (eep!), so you'll have to excuse me for a little bit.
The posting, hopefully, won't stop completely. But this space has moved a little lower down in my priorities.
Just a few assignments, class meetings, and miscelaneous items, and I'll be a B.A. M.C.
I can't wait.
If you want to see small glimpses of my life over the next few weeks, check out my Instagram feed or Twitter account.
(Also, I made Instagram public, so you can see all my pictures online now even if you don't have an account...psst, Mom.)
P.S. If anyone is interested in guest posting over the the next two weeks, I'd be forever grateful, and happy to return the favor over the holidays. Let me know!
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